Schedule week 39 - 42
Week 39
Monday : 14-22.30
Tuesday : 12-20.30
Wednesday : 15-22.30
Thursday : 12-20.30
Friday : 8-15
Week 40
Monday : 15-22
Tuesday : 12-20.30
Wednesday : 10-18.30
Thursday : Free
Friday : 15-22
Saturday : 10-17.30
Week 41
Monday : 15-22
Tuesday : 13-20.30
Wednesday : 12 - 20.30
Thursday : 13-21
Friday : 15-23
Week 42
Monday : 15-23
Tuesday : 13-21.30
Wednesday : 13-21.30
Thursday : 13-21.30
Friday : 12 -20.30
Some have work, others have lifes =)
Monday : 14-22.30
Tuesday : 12-20.30
Wednesday : 15-22.30
Thursday : 12-20.30
Friday : 8-15
Week 40
Monday : 15-22
Tuesday : 12-20.30
Wednesday : 10-18.30
Thursday : Free
Friday : 15-22
Saturday : 10-17.30
Week 41
Monday : 15-22
Tuesday : 13-20.30
Wednesday : 12 - 20.30
Thursday : 13-21
Friday : 15-23
Week 42
Monday : 15-23
Tuesday : 13-21.30
Wednesday : 13-21.30
Thursday : 13-21.30
Friday : 12 -20.30
Some have work, others have lifes =)
Back to work
So tomorrow its Monday and its back to work and lm at work from 14-22.30.
l have not done so much this weekend. On friday we went to the cinema and the movie was really good =) cant wait until the 3 comes the 27 november =) l think that one will be even better from what l have understand from the people that have read the books=)
Then on saturday we took it slow and then we went to kongsberg and did some shopping =) Nice, nice nice.
So tomorrow its back to work and the schedule for the week will come tomorrow =)
Hope you all have a nice weekend
l have not done so much this weekend. On friday we went to the cinema and the movie was really good =) cant wait until the 3 comes the 27 november =) l think that one will be even better from what l have understand from the people that have read the books=)
Then on saturday we took it slow and then we went to kongsberg and did some shopping =) Nice, nice nice.
So tomorrow its back to work and the schedule for the week will come tomorrow =)
Hope you all have a nice weekend
Flickan som lekte med elden / The Girl Who Played With Fire
l LOVE Swedish movies =)
Swedish version
The English version ( But the swedish is better )
Swedish version
The English version ( But the swedish is better )
Long time ago
Now it was a long time ago again...
I was in Sweden and it was really funny and l meet my family and some friends=)
But l did not have soo much time to do everything l wanted, but l think l will go home again in November.
Since l came back to Notodden not much have happened, l have worked, been sick and got a new tattoo =) or not a new l have build out my old one and l lova it =)
Thats about it,
But tonight we are going to the cinema and after that we are going to go out eating =) So that will be fun

I was in Sweden and it was really funny and l meet my family and some friends=)
But l did not have soo much time to do everything l wanted, but l think l will go home again in November.
Since l came back to Notodden not much have happened, l have worked, been sick and got a new tattoo =) or not a new l have build out my old one and l lova it =)
Thats about it,
But tonight we are going to the cinema and after that we are going to go out eating =) So that will be fun

So yesterday i arrived to Skutsär and home to my mom. l left Notodden on Tuesday at 19 and arrived to Gävle at 9.30 yesterday. My sister and her boyfriend was meeting me at the trainstation and then we went down town shopping =)
On the evening l was just spending time with my mom and sister.
Today l will meet up with Evelyn and we will go to town and eat on Max =) l cant wait.
Then tomorrow we are having a family part at my grandmother =) That is going to be fun since l not seen her for 1 year and then there are others l not seen for longer time.
Then on saturday my sister is having her leaving part / bithday party.
Then l will be going back to Notodden on sunday.
On the evening l was just spending time with my mom and sister.
Today l will meet up with Evelyn and we will go to town and eat on Max =) l cant wait.
Then tomorrow we are having a family part at my grandmother =) That is going to be fun since l not seen her for 1 year and then there are others l not seen for longer time.
Then on saturday my sister is having her leaving part / bithday party.
Then l will be going back to Notodden on sunday.