My new headband =)

I made a new headband the other day =) I have to say that I like it

Puzzles =)

Me and Hildegunn were sooooo good last weekend =) And it was really fun=)


On Sunday me, SOL and Hildegunn went to Drammen and to the cinema. I did not think that the movie was good. And the 3D was nothing speciall, The advertisment before the movie had better 3D than the movie.

The best thing was to eat at....

Hildegunn can eat ;)

Shoes <3

I love shoes <3
And today after work I went into a store and it was SALE!!!!!
5 pair of shoes for 600 NOK (euro 72 ) regardless of previous pris.  =)

I got 2 new tattoos =)

One on my left hand

And one on my right arm

Some old ones but not everyone =)

Me and SOL 6 month

I got a flower =)

I love this one =) HaHa

People have the right to be stupid.
Some people abuse that privilege!!

Now its cold....

Yot know its cold when they keep the frozen food outside...


Its starting to look like a home =)

I will put up more pictures later =)

♥♫ ♪Happy New Year ♪ ♫ ♥

Its now the first day of 2010 =) I think this will be so good =)
Yesterday was a really nice day and evening.

Me and SOL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

SOL and Lars

The Swedish family

SOL and me again ♥


Look outside the window

Its so cold outside but it looks good =) It have been so cold the last week and it will get colder.
We have had -25 degrees outside and thats cold.

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