Long time

So now it was sometime ago since l updated.
This weekend l spend with Frøydis and we had really fun. First on saturday she worked on the day like everyone else so me and Ingar went to a place that l dont know what to call it but you could swim anyway.

The water was maybe not the best but it was really worm =)

Then on the afternoon l went home to Frøydis and we went down to the water as well with the kids and then we grilled on the evening. And we were up talking a long time and it was so nice,
Then on saturday we woke up at 9.30 and tokk the kids and the things we needed and went back to the beach and we were there all day and we did not go home until after 5 =)
It was really nice except that l got burned on my back and it still hurts.. But l dont care because now lm brown =) And l love it.
Then before l went home we grilled again and it so good and so summer =)

Then on monday it was work again and we have new schedule at work so we allways work different times everyday.
So on Monday l worked 12-21, Tuesday 10-17.30, Wednesday and today l worked 8-15.30 and tomorrow l work 15-22.30
Its hard to remeber when to work when you have a schedule like this. But its just to keep up the good work =) haha

Then l got a nice surprise yesterday from my mom, She called and told me that l got money back from my tax from Norway for 2008 and that she had put the money in on my swedish account. So that would get them.
Then today when l was going to go and shop the nice shoes that l have seen l realized that l did not find my swedish ATM card. Then l remeber that l think it is with my stuff that l have with Erika in Ireland,
So now l had to transfer the money over to my Norwegian account and hope that l might get the money tomorrow. But we just have to see but it was so annoying...

But tomorrow is Friday and l hope the day will be over soon and that l will get the money so l can do something fun this weekend since everyone is gone, Emma is in Sweden, Rose is sick, Hildegunn is in Bergen and Frøydis is going away for the weekend. So l will be here alone so l was thinking about taking a trip. Its the jazz festival in Kongsberg and its only like 30-40 min away with the buss and they have a shopinngcenter to =)
So l might go there,
Well not much more have been happening, The weather have been nice but they have been saying that it will rain sunday to wednesday.

Well hope you have a nice weekend l might update on saturday or sunday.



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