A day on the beach =)

So today me and Hildegunn went to the beach at 10.30 and it was really nice.
When we got there we did not think that it was going to be a really good day because it was not that worm, But we decided to stay because it was really nice, Then Hege arrive and after her Edvin and Tony came to.
And it just got wormer and wormer in the sun so we hade to take a swim. And it was so cold l thought that my legs were going to fall off.
But when we were leaving to work we realized that we were really red and sunburned....
So my face is read and my back and shouldes, Hildegunns stomach even got sunburned, But we did still not feel like going to work we wanted to stay, but it was good that we left.

But then at work around 8 we all got really happy because they told us that if we wanted to leav at 20.30 instead for 23 we could all leave and the others would stay, So obvious we all said YES. So that was really good.
Tomorrow l dont know what to do because everyone is working but not me, but l will figure something out l think =)

Hope you all have a nice weekend =)


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