Midsummer =)

So today is midsummer and lm home from work since my eye not been working this week...
Now it is good and l can see again =)
So today it is midsummer and all the swedish people are in sweden but not me, and the norwegians dont celebrate midsummer the way we do they celebrate it in a few days or something. l dont really know.
But l hope l will be able to do something tomorrow anyway.

The weather was ok before today but now it is raining allot outside so maybe its not that fun to be outside today and celebrate midsummer,
But its sad because normally lm home with my family and we goe to my grandmother around 12 something and we eat and watch when everyone dances around the midsummerpole ( l dont know if its called that but anyway)
Then my mum always drives my sister to were she is going and then she dropes me of at Evelyn =) and then we are partying all night long and we always have allot of fun =)
But this year lm in Norway and Evelyn on Gotland. So in one way its ok that lm here since she is not home so it would only be strange.

But hope everyone have a nice day and a nice weekend, =) Smile

Pictures from last midsummer

Midsummer in Scandinavia: The Midsummer's Eve Traditions ( Some info l found when l looked on google )

Midsummer is Scandinavia's most popular festival right along with Christmas. A traditional celebration of the Summer solstice, Midsummer is the longest day of the year. In Sweden, Midsummer is even celebrated as a national holiday.
Most Midsummer's Eve celebrations take place on the Saturday between June 20 and June 26.
The celebration of the Summer solstice is a very ancient practice, dating back to pre-Christian times. Midsummer was originally a fertility festival with many customs and rituals associated with nature and with the hope for a good harvest the coming fall/autumn.

In Sweden, where the festival is called "Midsommar", houses are decorated inside and out with wreaths and flower garlands. Swedes then dance around the decorated midsummer pole while listening to traditional folk songs known to all. In Sweden, as in many other countries, the magic of Midsummer includes bonfires (which reminds of Swedish Walpurgis Night traditions), and divining the future, especially one's future spouse!

In Norway and Denmark, Midsummer's Eve is also a popular day, celebrated with large bonfires and processions in the evening. In Norway, Midsummer's Eve is also called "Jonsok".

Among Danes, it's not just Midsummer's Eve but also Sankt Hans aften (St. John's Eve) which they celebrate on the eve of June 23rd. On that day, Danes sing their traditional "We Love Our Land" and burn straw witches on bonfires. This is done in Denmark in memory of the Church's witchburnings of the 16th and 17th century.

The Scandinavian Midsummer traditions stem from pagan times, showing the defeat of darkness to the powers of the sun god.  

Like in every major Scandinavian tradition, celebrating with others goes hand in hand with good holiday food. Traditional food for Midsummer in Scandinavia are potatoes with herring or smoked fish, fresh fruit, and probably some schnapps and beer for the adults!

So there you go people, some info about this weekend =)

Postat av: Anonym

wow, Danes sound so barbaric in comparison to Swedes - you're all lovely, little fairies dancing around in an alcoholic fog with flowers all over the place - but Danes! We drink heavily, light up a fire and BURN those fucking witches.. Hmm.. Traditions.. Funny thing!

2009-06-23 @ 20:19:11

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