The Beach

So yesterday on the evening l went home to Frøydis. lt was really nice and we were up talking until 3 in the night and we were sitting outside all the time and l loved it.
Then today since it was over 30 degrees warm in the shadow so we took the kids and the dog and went to the beach.
We were not there for a long time but l got sunburned all over my back and my face hurts. But lm not complaining because after this l will be brown =)

But it was really nice and the weather was lovley and perfect. 

Tomorrow its work again and l hope it goes good since now all the technical things starts and l dont like it.
But l think it will be a good day =)

l hope everyone have had a nice week and weekend and hope that this week will be the same =)

Tjing now l will get a ice cream =)



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