When did everything happen???

So the otherday at work we were talking about time and how things and the technology have change.
And it was so funny because Åsa told us that she can remember when the first TV came to Notodden and she was 14 years old and they did get there first one when she was 17.

And today she works with helping people that have problems with the TV.
So l think thats cool. l mean it is the same with computers that she works with everyday.
l use my computer everyday and l cant think what l would have done without it.
l cant say anything about the TV ( since l have not had one were l been living the last 1-1,5 years l think) But anyway l think it is really cool that she remembers when the first TV came here to Notodden, And she even remembers what was on it and that it was only test shows and that it was news 1 a week or something.


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