Friday and last day at work

So today it is friday and it my last day at work and my last night in Cork.

This day have been fine l have only tried to solve so many cases as l can before l go but thats it no new calls and l like it,
l been thinking and l think that l would like a CR job were you dont have to use the phone to bad that my new / old job is on the phone but l will make it work.

l think l will miss Cork now when l think back about everything l have done and l will come back to this place =)
l will come for a few days now in the summer and then lf Erika is still here on her birthday l think l will come then to.

But l will really miss my team since it is a really goos team and we all work good together

But tonight is the night and you dont want to miss it we are going to have so much fun =)
Tomas have agreed to help me home if lm not able my self but everyone that knows me knows that its not going to happen.
l will be the ONLY one that can walk home =)
Sp that l can remember everyone =) Haha
We just have to see what will happen but the camera is fully charge so l will try to put up the pictures as soon as l can =)

Well like l have said before l will be at the Brog and the more people that comes the better it will be and l really want to say goodby to everyone but l dont have so much time. l will be ther from 19 to the close =)


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