
So tday its Friday and it have been allot of fun at work. I have meet allot of people that l worked with before and it was really fun to see them.

I also realized that for just 5 days ago l left  lreland and its strange because it feels so much longer ago. I really do miss the people but its like they are saying, you don't know what you miss until its gone.

Its the same with my friends at home in Sweden, l have not seen them since September and thats a long time. So l think l have to go there someday soon.

And it was so funny because l was reading Mandys blog and she sounds just like Evelyn so thats when l start thinking about home and my friends.

Mandy ( )  :

Swedish : Mina fiskar dör. en efter en vartannat halvår. Why?
Det finns ingenting som tyder på mord eller något föremål som gör att de dör. Det måste vara plötslig fiskdöd.

English : My fish are dying. one by one every 6 months. Why?
There is no evidence of murder or any object that they die. It must be the sudden fishdeath.

Haha she is so funny =)

So now l will go and meet up some people just like old times just us girls and l think it will be nice.

So l hope everyone have a nice weekend and that you have the time off.


Postat av: Frida

Nu får du mig så att minnas/tänka på tiden i Norge, skönt att höra att allt är bra med dig. kramar

2009-05-23 @ 00:25:58

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