Monday the 18
So to day l finally made it to Notodden in Norway and its really nice to be here.
L just came back from meeting Emma and Erik before they went to work and l will go down to work a bitt later and say hi.
But when l came here today l notice that the screen on my camera is broke so l cant take any pictures or even look on the old ones. And l cant conect the camera to my computer and my stupid computer dont have so that l can put in a memory card so l need to get another camera.
So l cant put up any pictures from Friday and it was really nice pics from that night and l had so much fun and l want to thank everyone that was there.
It was a long but fun night
Then on Saturday me and Erika went to Dublin and stayed at a hotel. We did not do that much but we had fun.
Then on Sunday l took the plane and then l had to take the bus. When l came to Oslo and l meet Thess, And l sayed with her and we went out and took a pint and looked at all the funny people since it was 17maj.
And today l left for Notodden and now lm here, lm in my new noce room and l like it.
So now l hope that anyone from over there will come and see Norway.
l alos have a new phone number that l have put on facebook.
Well now l have things to do belive it or not so l have to go.
But l start working at 8 tomorrow morning so l will let you know how it went.