The beach and sunburn

So yesterday me and Emma went down to the beach because the sun was shining and it was relly worm so you were not able to be inside.
lt was really nice and l was swiming =) and Emma got sunburned, her arms were so read but today its almost gone.

Then on the evening we went out and took a some beers =) it was really nice and we had allot of fun.

Today the sun is shining again and l love it. So  we will see what we will do. But l think l will go to Fröydis later tonight and have fun =)
Tomorrow we are of work so we have a extra day so that is nice =) Then we start work again... But then on saturday we have a party at work and we are going with a boat out to a "island" and grill and have some fun so l look forward to that. 

No now l think we will go out or something and waith until the clock turns 1 so we can call and order pizza =) nice

Have a nice day and allot of fun =)




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