The sun is still shining =)
Why whenever you say look no hands, something really painful happens?
This is a good question.
So on Friday evening l went home to Emma and meet her and Rose-Marie and we had nice food and drank some wine it was really nice =)
And on Saturday l woke up at 7 in the morning and the sun was shining and it was really worm. So me and Emma decided to take our lunch with us and bring it down to the water and eat it there and it was really nice.
But it was really strange, even do the sun was shining it could rain at the same time, But it was only for a sek or 2. So it was fine.
The on the evening me and Emma had some beers and food out in the sun even do the clock was around 6 on the evening and it was really worm.
The yesterday Sunday it was sun again and really worm so me, Emma and Erik went to the water and grilled and it was really good and nice to be in the sun and at the water, the water was not that worm but it was still nice.
The we had ice cream on the way home and on the evening l watch movies and relaxed since l had to go to work today. I also looked true all my pictures since the the internet not been working were l live so it have been really irritating and boring so l needed to do something, But it was really fun to look true everything and l found allot of fun pictures. Old and new ones, And then l started to think about my camera and l am so angry that it broke and that l cant use it since it have been so many times since l came here that l have wanted to take pictures. But no.
But l really had fun this weekend =)
And today l woke up at 4 in the morning. l start at work at 9.
But the internet is back so now l can do something,
Well hope you have a good day