So today its Thursday and lm off from work but l work on Saturday (10-18)... So boring
But on Saturday night its Halloween =) And we are going to a party. So l have had my hands full so the everything will be done, Since l dont have the time after work, l will only have time to go home and put on the clothes and the makeup and then l have to go,
Yesterday Svein Olav moved to his new place so l was there to help him to get up all the stuff. So now it looks really good =) We are almost done,
So today l have allot to do...
1. Get the rest of the stuff up
2. Go and shop the rest for the clothes that l will wear on Saturday.
3. Get the alcohol
4. Fix the rest with the dress
5. Test the makeup (so that it gets the way l want it)
6. Clean my own home
So l have a some things to do today.
Work is lika always, different times everyday, and so far l only know how l will work this week and fore 2 weeks more. I dont know how I work for Christmas but I guess I will be here in Notodden.
That can be fun to =)
The weather is cold and it have been snow on the ground. You can see through the window that its cold outside.
But now l have to go =)
But on Saturday night its Halloween =) And we are going to a party. So l have had my hands full so the everything will be done, Since l dont have the time after work, l will only have time to go home and put on the clothes and the makeup and then l have to go,
Yesterday Svein Olav moved to his new place so l was there to help him to get up all the stuff. So now it looks really good =) We are almost done,
So today l have allot to do...
1. Get the rest of the stuff up
2. Go and shop the rest for the clothes that l will wear on Saturday.
3. Get the alcohol
4. Fix the rest with the dress
5. Test the makeup (so that it gets the way l want it)
6. Clean my own home
So l have a some things to do today.
Work is lika always, different times everyday, and so far l only know how l will work this week and fore 2 weeks more. I dont know how I work for Christmas but I guess I will be here in Notodden.
That can be fun to =)
The weather is cold and it have been snow on the ground. You can see through the window that its cold outside.
But now l have to go =)
Talk about lucky
Haha l LOVE this one and l start thinking on Evelyn when l see it =)
Cant wait =) =)
And shepherds we shall be,
For Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,
That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
Why is it snow outside????
This was not a good start on this day... It was bad enough that lm working today and now its snow outside and its just coming more.... NOT GOOD!!!! l mean its just the 3 of October