So today its Thursday and lm off from work but l work on Saturday (10-18)... So boring
But on Saturday night its Halloween =) And we are going to a party. So l have had my hands full so the everything will be done, Since l dont have the time after work, l will only have time to go home and put on the clothes and the makeup and then l have to go,
Yesterday Svein Olav moved to his new place so l was there to help him to get up all the stuff. So now it looks really good =) We are almost done,
So today l have allot to do...
1. Get the rest of the stuff up
2. Go and shop the rest for the clothes that l will wear on Saturday.
3. Get the alcohol
4. Fix the rest with the dress
5. Test the makeup (so that it gets the way l want it)
6. Clean my own home
So l have a some things to do today.
Work is lika always, different times everyday, and so far l only know how l will work this week and fore 2 weeks more. I dont know how I work for Christmas but I guess I will be here in Notodden.
That can be fun to =)
The weather is cold and it have been snow on the ground. You can see through the window that its cold outside.
But now l have to go =)
But on Saturday night its Halloween =) And we are going to a party. So l have had my hands full so the everything will be done, Since l dont have the time after work, l will only have time to go home and put on the clothes and the makeup and then l have to go,
Yesterday Svein Olav moved to his new place so l was there to help him to get up all the stuff. So now it looks really good =) We are almost done,
So today l have allot to do...
1. Get the rest of the stuff up
2. Go and shop the rest for the clothes that l will wear on Saturday.
3. Get the alcohol
4. Fix the rest with the dress
5. Test the makeup (so that it gets the way l want it)
6. Clean my own home
So l have a some things to do today.
Work is lika always, different times everyday, and so far l only know how l will work this week and fore 2 weeks more. I dont know how I work for Christmas but I guess I will be here in Notodden.
That can be fun to =)
The weather is cold and it have been snow on the ground. You can see through the window that its cold outside.
But now l have to go =)