Long time
This weekend l spend with Frøydis and we had really fun. First on saturday she worked on the day like everyone else so me and Ingar went to a place that l dont know what to call it but you could swim anyway.

The water was maybe not the best but it was really worm =)
Then on the afternoon l went home to Frøydis and we went down to the water as well with the kids and then we grilled on the evening. And we were up talking a long time and it was so nice,
Then on saturday we woke up at 9.30 and tokk the kids and the things we needed and went back to the beach and we were there all day and we did not go home until after 5 =)
It was really nice except that l got burned on my back and it still hurts.. But l dont care because now lm brown =) And l love it.
Then before l went home we grilled again and it so good and so summer =)

Then on monday it was work again and we have new schedule at work so we allways work different times everyday.
So on Monday l worked 12-21, Tuesday 10-17.30, Wednesday and today l worked 8-15.30 and tomorrow l work 15-22.30
Its hard to remeber when to work when you have a schedule like this. But its just to keep up the good work =) haha
Then l got a nice surprise yesterday from my mom, She called and told me that l got money back from my tax from Norway for 2008 and that she had put the money in on my swedish account. So that would get them.
Then today when l was going to go and shop the nice shoes that l have seen l realized that l did not find my swedish ATM card. Then l remeber that l think it is with my stuff that l have with Erika in Ireland,
So now l had to transfer the money over to my Norwegian account and hope that l might get the money tomorrow. But we just have to see but it was so annoying...
But tomorrow is Friday and l hope the day will be over soon and that l will get the money so l can do something fun this weekend since everyone is gone, Emma is in Sweden, Rose is sick, Hildegunn is in Bergen and Frøydis is going away for the weekend. So l will be here alone so l was thinking about taking a trip. Its the jazz festival in Kongsberg and its only like 30-40 min away with the buss and they have a shopinngcenter to =)
So l might go there,
Well not much more have been happening, The weather have been nice but they have been saying that it will rain sunday to wednesday.
Well hope you have a nice weekend l might update on saturday or sunday.
A day on the beach =)
When we got there we did not think that it was going to be a really good day because it was not that worm, But we decided to stay because it was really nice, Then Hege arrive and after her Edvin and Tony came to.
And it just got wormer and wormer in the sun so we hade to take a swim. And it was so cold l thought that my legs were going to fall off.
But when we were leaving to work we realized that we were really red and sunburned....
So my face is read and my back and shouldes, Hildegunns stomach even got sunburned, But we did still not feel like going to work we wanted to stay, but it was good that we left.
But then at work around 8 we all got really happy because they told us that if we wanted to leav at 20.30 instead for 23 we could all leave and the others would stay, So obvious we all said YES. So that was really good.
Tomorrow l dont know what to do because everyone is working but not me, but l will figure something out l think =)
Hope you all have a nice weekend =)

They are not that nice in Germany ;) Haha
This one got banned haha
I love this one
I tried to find it at midsummer but did not remember the name of it =)
I really love days in the sun =)
But l cant understand because l know that it have been nice weather all day everywere in the country and still people complains that the TV dont work, l mean pleace people go outside and stay there dont sit at the TV, That you can do when its bad weather, l know that l would if l could, But no they dont and they are calling all the time. But l guess that people are different but still..
Tomorrow not much is going to happen, lm just going to go to Emma because l known that she is expecting something and l want to be able to call her and tell her the good news =)
lts a bit boring that everyine soon will be on holiday and l will be here working but l just have to see that l will get money =)
Tjing Tjong

So the sun is shining and its really worm outside =)
So l woke up at 9 this mornign and went out for a walk and it was really nice,
Today l am just going to work ( 16-23 ) then after that l might go home to Emma and Erik and water there plants since they are in Sweden ( l want to..)
Not so much more will happen today.
Pictures from my walk today
But now its not a cloud on the sky ;)
Then we went to a party were we played allot of drinking games =)
Then we went down to the "city" had 1 drink and it was kind of late and no people so we went back to the party and drank some more. Then l went home around 4 in the morning and l got up at 8 thins morning because l could not sleep anymore so now l start to get tired again. So annoying....
But yesterday was really fun =)

So that was yesterday =)
So tonight
So that will be fun.
She also said something about that it was going to be another swedish girl there, so since she said no name l guess it is someone that l never meet before so that can be nice to meet new swedish people. haha
So l have been down to the store and got all l need for the evening l think but lm not sure so l might have to go down again.
But l hope everyone had a good evening yesterday and that today will be good to.
Because l know that l will.
Tjing over and out ;)
How could I forget...
lt was in the beginning of this week and l love it =)
l think it can be because l dont really see it since it is in white =)
But just in the way l want it.
The pictures are not good but it is really hard to take a picture on something that is white and so close to the skin, And the pictures are from the same day so it is a bit red. but but.

Midsummer =)
Now it is good and l can see again =)
So today it is midsummer and all the swedish people are in sweden but not me, and the norwegians dont celebrate midsummer the way we do they celebrate it in a few days or something. l dont really know.
But l hope l will be able to do something tomorrow anyway.
The weather was ok before today but now it is raining allot outside so maybe its not that fun to be outside today and celebrate midsummer,
But its sad because normally lm home with my family and we goe to my grandmother around 12 something and we eat and watch when everyone dances around the midsummerpole ( l dont know if its called that but anyway)
Then my mum always drives my sister to were she is going and then she dropes me of at Evelyn =) and then we are partying all night long and we always have allot of fun =)
But this year lm in Norway and Evelyn on Gotland. So in one way its ok that lm here since she is not home so it would only be strange.
But hope everyone have a nice day and a nice weekend, =) Smile

Pictures from last midsummer

Midsummer in Scandinavia: The Midsummer's Eve Traditions ( Some info l found when l looked on google )
Midsummer is Scandinavia's most popular festival right along with Christmas. A traditional celebration of the Summer solstice, Midsummer is the longest day of the year. In Sweden, Midsummer is even celebrated as a national holiday.
Most Midsummer's Eve celebrations take place on the Saturday between June 20 and June 26.
The celebration of the Summer solstice is a very ancient practice, dating back to pre-Christian times. Midsummer was originally a fertility festival with many customs and rituals associated with nature and with the hope for a good harvest the coming fall/autumn.
In Sweden, where the festival is called "Midsommar", houses are decorated inside and out with wreaths and flower garlands. Swedes then dance around the decorated midsummer pole while listening to traditional folk songs known to all. In Sweden, as in many other countries, the magic of Midsummer includes bonfires (which reminds of Swedish Walpurgis Night traditions), and divining the future, especially one's future spouse!
In Norway and Denmark, Midsummer's Eve is also a popular day, celebrated with large bonfires and processions in the evening. In Norway, Midsummer's Eve is also called "Jonsok".
Among Danes, it's not just Midsummer's Eve but also Sankt Hans aften (St. John's Eve) which they celebrate on the eve of June 23rd. On that day, Danes sing their traditional "We Love Our Land" and burn straw witches on bonfires. This is done in Denmark in memory of the Church's witchburnings of the 16th and 17th century.
The Scandinavian Midsummer traditions stem from pagan times, showing the defeat of darkness to the powers of the sun god.
Like in every major Scandinavian tradition, celebrating with others goes hand in hand with good holiday food. Traditional food for Midsummer in Scandinavia are potatoes with herring or smoked fish, fresh fruit, and probably some schnapps and beer for the adults!
So there you go people, some info about this weekend =)
Me like
On saturday l was first working but it was not that much to do so l went home and on the way l meet Emma and Hildegunn.
So on the evening we went home to Hildegunn and lngar and we were drinking all night long.
lt was really fun because l meet people that l not seen in a long time and also some new that l never meet before.
We were going to go out but the cab picked up a few of use and was going to come back but he never did so we made more "dunders" and it was really good so l was ok with staying =)
Pictures are coming =)
Not much have happened after that, except that my eye is not working because something is wrong so l cant see on the right eye. But l hope it will be gone tomorrow so that l can work since it is Midsummer, the best day of the year.
But all the swedish have gone home to sweden but not me so l will be here.
But l talked to Hildegunn and l think that we will do something on saturday if my eye are better and l hope it is.
Have a nice weekend everyone =)
Sleepy Hollow
So l been talking more to Evelyn today and for some reason l really wanted to watch Sleepy Hollow tonight. Wonder way?
hmm. Sometimes you dont know way you think the way you think, haha
Friday =)
This week l have been working mon to wedn 16-23, Thu 14-21 and today 8-16 and tomorrow l will work from 10-18.
And on Monday l will start working at 8-16. So l have sunday off but thats ok l will make money =)
And tomorrow its Notoddens villageparty or what l should call it.
Maybe that will be fun
Not much have happened, Carita have left, l moved to a nicer and better place =), The weather have been strange but ok. You cant always be on the top =)
l talked to Evelyn yesterday and she is so funny and she have ordered a really nice dress, My sis is happy that the school is over from what l understood.
So tonight will be a slow night but a good one since l have only sleept like 3-4 h a night this week =(
So have a nice weekend.
When did everything happen???
So the otherday at work we were talking about time and how things and the technology have change.
And it was so funny because Åsa told us that she can remember when the first TV came to Notodden and she was 14 years old and they did get there first one when she was 17.
And today she works with helping people that have problems with the TV.
So l think thats cool. l mean it is the same with computers that she works with everyday.
l use my computer everyday and l cant think what l would have done without it.
l cant say anything about the TV ( since l have not had one were l been living the last 1-1,5 years l think) But anyway l think it is really cool that she remembers when the first TV came here to Notodden, And she even remembers what was on it and that it was only test shows and that it was news 1 a week or something.
Hope everyone have a nice day because l will =)
Me love <3
Today was a ok day and l took allot of calls but thats good because then the time goes quick, But it was not that fun that my last call was about a HDPVR dekoder that not got the signals but we solved it.
Tomorrow l start work at 4 again and its nice since you have all day to do what you want to do =) me like
Took some pictures at work today when l was out smoking on my last break, Its a nice view.

Boat Trip =)
The weather could have been better but it did not rain so we are happy for that.
But l think that everyone was on a good mood and had fun =)

My sister graduated yesterday =)

And my mummy =) l miss her