The beach and sunburn
So yesterday me and Emma went down to the beach because the sun was shining and it was relly worm so you were not able to be inside.
lt was really nice and l was swiming =) and Emma got sunburned, her arms were so read but today its almost gone.
Then on the evening we went out and took a some beers =) it was really nice and we had allot of fun.
Today the sun is shining again and l love it. So we will see what we will do. But l think l will go to Fröydis later tonight and have fun =)
Tomorrow we are of work so we have a extra day so that is nice =) Then we start work again... But then on saturday we have a party at work and we are going with a boat out to a "island" and grill and have some fun so l look forward to that.
No now l think we will go out or something and waith until the clock turns 1 so we can call and order pizza =) nice
Have a nice day and allot of fun =)
Im so happy =)
I am so glad=) today when l went to the store after work guess what l found.
RED BULL. They have not been allowed to sell Red Bull before in Norway so guess if l was happy.
I think people got surprised how happy l got. But thats me l love Red bull so now l can drink this weekend =)
Otherwise this week have been good, not so much at work so thats ok. The sun have been here most of the time and l like it.
Tomorrow is Friday and we have a long weekend because we are of on Monday since it is a holiday here so everything is closed. So l need to shop everything on Saturday,
Well not much have happened but l need to go now because me and Carita is going to shop =)
The sun is still shining =)
Why whenever you say look no hands, something really painful happens?
This is a good question.
So on Friday evening l went home to Emma and meet her and Rose-Marie and we had nice food and drank some wine it was really nice =)
And on Saturday l woke up at 7 in the morning and the sun was shining and it was really worm. So me and Emma decided to take our lunch with us and bring it down to the water and eat it there and it was really nice.
But it was really strange, even do the sun was shining it could rain at the same time, But it was only for a sek or 2. So it was fine.
The on the evening me and Emma had some beers and food out in the sun even do the clock was around 6 on the evening and it was really worm.
The yesterday Sunday it was sun again and really worm so me, Emma and Erik went to the water and grilled and it was really good and nice to be in the sun and at the water, the water was not that worm but it was still nice.
The we had ice cream on the way home and on the evening l watch movies and relaxed since l had to go to work today. I also looked true all my pictures since the the internet not been working were l live so it have been really irritating and boring so l needed to do something, But it was really fun to look true everything and l found allot of fun pictures. Old and new ones, And then l started to think about my camera and l am so angry that it broke and that l cant use it since it have been so many times since l came here that l have wanted to take pictures. But no.
But l really had fun this weekend =)
And today l woke up at 4 in the morning. l start at work at 9.
But the internet is back so now l can do something,
Well hope you have a good day
So tday its Friday and it have been allot of fun at work. I have meet allot of people that l worked with before and it was really fun to see them.
I also realized that for just 5 days ago l left lreland and its strange because it feels so much longer ago. I really do miss the people but its like they are saying, you don't know what you miss until its gone.
Its the same with my friends at home in Sweden, l have not seen them since September and thats a long time. So l think l have to go there someday soon.
And it was so funny because l was reading Mandys blog and she sounds just like Evelyn so thats when l start thinking about home and my friends.
Mandy ( ) :
Swedish : Mina fiskar dör. en efter en vartannat halvår. Why?
Det finns ingenting som tyder på mord eller något föremål som gör att de dör. Det måste vara plötslig fiskdöd.
English : My fish are dying. one by one every 6 months. Why?
There is no evidence of murder or any object that they die. It must be the sudden fishdeath.
Haha she is so funny =)
So now l will go and meet up some people just like old times just us girls and l think it will be nice.
So l hope everyone have a nice weekend and that you have the time off.
Its sun outside =)
So today its Thursday and lm off work =) And l like it.
Yesterday l went to Emma for a moment, and we were eating dinner and talked so that was really nice, After that l meet up with Carita and Joakim and we had some beers and that was nice. So this morning l have been out in the sun since it is so warm outside so l want to take as much in as l can.
I been walking around and looked since they have build so much new things and open so much new stores since the last time l was here.
So we will see what happens tonight and later today but tomorrow its back to work.
First day at work
So today was my first day at work.
Its strange that so much have change but still its all the same =) But l like it
So today l got to see Emma. Fröydis, Rose-Marie and allot more people and it was so fun to see them all =)
L have talked to Evelyn and she send me a link
and the funny thing is that l can see her in front of me and she things that this is the best of the day =) But this is way l like this girl shes the best.
No now l have to go to bed l start at 9 tomorrow and lm so tired
Monday the 18
So to day l finally made it to Notodden in Norway and its really nice to be here.
L just came back from meeting Emma and Erik before they went to work and l will go down to work a bitt later and say hi.
But when l came here today l notice that the screen on my camera is broke so l cant take any pictures or even look on the old ones. And l cant conect the camera to my computer and my stupid computer dont have so that l can put in a memory card so l need to get another camera.
So l cant put up any pictures from Friday and it was really nice pics from that night and l had so much fun and l want to thank everyone that was there.
It was a long but fun night
Then on Saturday me and Erika went to Dublin and stayed at a hotel. We did not do that much but we had fun.
Then on Sunday l took the plane and then l had to take the bus. When l came to Oslo and l meet Thess, And l sayed with her and we went out and took a pint and looked at all the funny people since it was 17maj.
And today l left for Notodden and now lm here, lm in my new noce room and l like it.
So now l hope that anyone from over there will come and see Norway.
l alos have a new phone number that l have put on facebook.
Well now l have things to do belive it or not so l have to go.
But l start working at 8 tomorrow morning so l will let you know how it went.
Tomas B-day
The best part was that the gys were the only ones that really wanted to sing.
But it was a really fun night =)
Birthday Boy

Friday and last day at work
This day have been fine l have only tried to solve so many cases as l can before l go but thats it no new calls and l like it,
l been thinking and l think that l would like a CR job were you dont have to use the phone to bad that my new / old job is on the phone but l will make it work.
l think l will miss Cork now when l think back about everything l have done and l will come back to this place =)
l will come for a few days now in the summer and then lf Erika is still here on her birthday l think l will come then to.
But l will really miss my team since it is a really goos team and we all work good together

But tonight is the night and you dont want to miss it we are going to have so much fun =)
Tomas have agreed to help me home if lm not able my self but everyone that knows me knows that its not going to happen.
l will be the ONLY one that can walk home =)
Sp that l can remember everyone =) Haha
We just have to see what will happen but the camera is fully charge so l will try to put up the pictures as soon as l can =)
Well like l have said before l will be at the Brog and the more people that comes the better it will be and l really want to say goodby to everyone but l dont have so much time. l will be ther from 19 to the close =)

Today is both Tomas and Emmas birthday =)
Since Emma is in Norway l will celebrate her on Monday when l see her.
But tonight we are going out to celebrate Tomas on his big day =)
So this week is allot of partying since its Tomas birthday and lm haveing my leaving thing on Friday and then me and Erika talked about going to Dublin on saturday so that we can go out and then l will leav on sunday and then l will go out with Tess =)
But now l will first work and hope for the best =)
So now lm sitting home at Erika and we have been talking allot since lm leaving soon and there is not that much time left...
But it is 1 week and next Sunday at 8 in the morning lm leaving to Dublin and then to Norway and its going to be so much fun since it is Norway's national day and l will be in Oslo with Tess =) l miss that girl she is so much fun and even if we not have seen each other in so long time when we do meet it is like we saw each other just a few days ago. So it is going to be so much fun.
And then the 18 lm going to Notodden and l will meet Emma and the rest of the people to and it is going to be so much fun since l not been there for over 1 year.
So this week allot needs to be done.
Friday is my last day at Apple and then l will go on Saturday and then l start my new job the 19 so no break but it will be fine the first thing l want to do is to go to Sweden when l have the time so l hope l can get a weekend so l can see my friends from home and my family.
I have to see Evelyn it have been to long since the last time and Frida and Lisa so long time ago.
But l know that Frida have a good time in Italy but l hope she will be home so we can see each other sometime this summer.
And Lisa she is working and working l guess like she always do.
l hope l will be home something this summer because l was thinking about all the fun we had the last time before l left

So on Friday at 7 l will be at the Brog and meet some people and everyone is more then welcome if they can.
I hope everyone had a good weekend because l had allot of fun and l hope this week will go good and that l wont die from stress.
Tjing Tjong
I was looking in my folders and found some pictures of Cork and since lm leaving soon l was thinking that l might put some up so that the people from home can see the town l been living in the last 10 month.
Not that funny maybe but it is something =)
Team Night Out
Friday the 1 of May we had a team night out.
It was a really fun night with bowling and drinks =) First Mardyke and then Long Island and Carne Lane
Moving on
l have been thinking and since lm now are going to move from Cork the 17 of May l will now start to write in English so that the people in Cork can understand what lm doing in Norway.
lm so happy that lm going and l think it will be nice and funny to do something different,
And l will meet Emma and the others so that will be fun.